Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Most effective fat-burning moves for fast weight loss

Crunch Beat

Lie face-up on mat with knees bent 90 degrees, legs lifted, calves parallel to floor.

Place hands behind head, elbows out, and crunch up, lifting shoulders off mat.

Extend legs diagonally up, cross ankles, and extend arms overhead. Holding this position, switch feet over

and under each other 8 times. Return to start. Do 8 reps.

Love Handles Exercise  Imagine you’re facing a wall, lie down on your side
Your feet should be stacked on top of each other, (your 10 toes should face the wall), and your elbow

should be aligned underneath your shoulder.

 Lift your body: only your elbow, and your bottom foot should be touching the floor

 Again, don’t relax your hips or midsection, and don't let them sway.

 If you are doing it correctly, your bottom side should feel fatigued and/or feeling a burning sensation.

 Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds; then switch and perform on the other side.

Single Bridge

Lie face-up on mat with knees bent, feet hip-width apart on floor, arms by sides.

Extend right leg straight up toward ceiling, engage abs, and lift hips off floor, forming a straight line from left knee to shoulder.

Raise arms straight over shoulders. Make 8 small circles with right leg. Switch direction of circles; repeat. Lower.

Switch legs and repeat.

The Hand Bridge
Assume the push up position and hold your body up.

Make sure you are in the push up position, on your toes and your arms are completely straight 

(don’t bend your elbows) and don’t bend your knees.-Your hands’ grip should be about 

shoulder-width apart.

Don’t sway or bend your lower back more than the normal curve.

Try to hold this position starting 20 seconds and work your way up to two minutes. Your abdominal muscles

(the superficial and deep stomach muscles) will get firmer and stronger the more you perform this exercise.

The Elbow Bridge Exercise

Same as the above exercise except you’ll use your elbows as a support and not your hands. The elbow and

the hand bridge exercises have different effects so don’t do only one exercise and neglect the other one.

The Flamingo Balance

Holding a dumbbell in your right hand, stand with your left hand on your hip.

Lean forward slightly, lifting your left foot behind you to about hip height. At the same, bring your right arm forward.

Turn your palm to face the ceiling and do a biceps curl.

Touch your toes back down briefly, then repeat for 12 reps. Be sure to keep your left leg straight while bending your right knee.

Switch sides: Stand with your left foot forward. Hold the dumbbell in your left hand, and hinge forward, raising your right leg up behind you to hip height.

Simultaneously, raise your left arm forward, turn your palm to the ceiling, and do a biceps curl.

Touch your toes back down briefly, and repeat for 12 reps.

Plyometric Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Squat down, bending your knees to 90 degrees.

Now jump up and land softly again in the squat position. Use the strength in your legs and butt to jump up explosively.

Remember to land as softly as you can with your knees bent; keep your weight back, over your heels.

Do 3 sets of 8 reps with rest periods of one minute between sets.

Square Plyometrics Jumps

Place an "x" with tape on the floor. Standing directly behind the tape, at the 6:00 position, position yourself as

in the last exercise. Jump forward over the tape to the 12:00 position, landing softly again to the squatting

position. Immediately jump to the right of the tape to the 3:00 position, softly as before, then again to the 9:00

position, and again back to the 6:00 position. Be sure when in mid jump that you use your arms in an upward

thrusting movement for added momentum.  Beginners do 4  sets of 6 with one minute rest periods between

sets, intermediate - sets of 10, advanced sets of 15

Flying Roman

 Stand with your feet about a hip-width apart or a little wider. Have your hands free in a marching position.

Lunge forward with the right leg and the left knee almost brushing the floor (but not touching).

 From that position jump explosively to lunge forward with your left leg and right knee almost brushing the

floor. Keep hands marching and moving freely to gain momentum

 Repeat the pattern for as many repetitions as you can do.

A word about repetitions in sets...

1- To gain Strength you need to perform few number of repetitions (3-5) and relatively higher number of sets 5-7 sets
2- To gain Muscle Mass you need to perform relatively high number of repetitions (7-12) and relatively lower number of sets 2-4 sets
3-To gain Strength Endurance you need to perform high number of repetitions (more than 12 reps) and low number of sets 1-2 sets
4-Speed Of Movement can be performed from slow(2-4 seconds), normal (1 second) to fast (explosive movement). The faster pace tend to result to more power strength adaptation, while the slow or normal pace tend to result to more muscle gain.
5-Longer "Interval Rests" are usually needed after strength or power performing sets than muscle gain performing sets. It also depends how physically conditioned you are. So if you feel your body needs longer recovery rest, then follow your body judgment.